Artistic Director: Amos Hetz
Producer: Diana Shoef
Lighting: Shai Yehudai

From the start of our activities it was clear that we would try to bring to the festival similar approaches from the past. This time Claudia Jeschke reconstructed Nijinsky’s famous dance L’Après-midi d’un Faun from its original score.

Another important contribution was the German group of vocalists Maulwerker, directed by Dieter Schnebel. Their exploration of voice is similar to the way we research movement, looking for the poetics of the separate units of material, and using them to construct an expressive art.

Program 1

1. Saf

Dance composition and dancer: Miri Yavetz

Music: Oded Ben-Ami

2. Between Human and Birds

Dance composition: Iris Goren

Dancers: Sigal Bergman, Rinat Paz, Ahuva Fridkes Korn

3. Cross Step

Dance composition and dancer: Riva Eylat

4. Warrior, Long Necked Birds

Dance composition: Noa Eshkol

Dancer: Dana Shibolet

5. Lilith

Dance composition: Zahava Brunovski

dancers: Talia Bar, Zahava Brunovski, Anat Ben-Shoshan, Michal Kav, Noga Kav

Music: Night Ark

6. Passages

Dance composition and dancer: Ruth BenShabat

Music: Stephen Horenstein

Program 2

1. From Elements

Flow, Touching the Wind, Ebb

2. Following Socrates

Music: "Cheap Imitation" byJohn Cage

Saxophone: Stephen Horenstein

Dance composition and dancer: Amos Hetz

Program 3

L’Après-midi d’un Faun

Reconstruction: Claudia Jeschke (Germany)

Music: Claude Debussy

Dancers: students from the Movement Department of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

Program 4

Mouth Pieces

1. Redeübungen

2. Zeichen-Sprache

The Maulwerker ensemble,Dieter Schnebel

Performers: Michael Hirsh, Gisburg Smialek, Anna Clementi, Christian Kesten (Germany)

Program 5

Mouth Pieces

1. Maulwerke

2. Laut-Gesten-Laute

3. An-Sätze

4. Weisen

5. Fantasien

Voice and movement workshop: Prof. Dieter Schnebel (Germany), Amos Hetz